Ponsiano Sawaka Kanijo |
Senior Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
ponsiano.kanijo@muce.ac.tz |
Edward Nsolo |
Administration |
edward.nsolo@muce.ac.tz |
Jaquiline Amani Moshi |
Associate Professor |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
jaquiline.amani@muce.ac.tz |
Orestes Kapinga |
Senior Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
orestes.kapinga@muce.ac.tz |
Deusdedit Rwehumbiza |
Associate Professor |
Administration |
deusdedit.rwehumbiza@muce.ac.tz |
Fikira Kimbokota |
Senior Lecturer |
Chemistry |
fikira.kimbokota@muce.ac.tz |
Godlisten Shao |
Senior Lecturer |
Chemistry |
godlisten.shao@muce.ac.tz |
Talam Kibona |
Senior Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
talam.kibona@muce.ac.tz |
Helena Myeya |
Senior Lecturer |
Geography and Economics |
helena.myeya@muce.ac.tz |
Daniel Fussy |
Senior Lecturer |
Educational Foundations and Management |
daniel.fussy@muce.ac.tz |
Aloni Mbwiga |
Chacha Stephen Chacha |
Senior Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
chacha.chacha@muce.ac.tz |
Shakila Halifan Mteti |
Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
shakila.mteti@muce.ac.tz |
Selina Mkimbili |
Adella Mtey |
Gervas Kawonga |
Happy Mpeta |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Foundations and Management |
happy.mpeta@muce.ac.tz |
Monica Asagwile Mwakifuna |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
monica.mwakifuna@muce.ac.tz |
Jovine Kamuhabwa Emmanuel |
Senior Lecturer |
Chemistry |
jovine.emmanuel@muce.ac.tz |
Chemistry |
dionis.loleye@muce.ac.tz |
Jacob Ismail Irunde |
Senior Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
ismail.irunde@muce.ac.tz |
Flaviana John Ngabala |
Assistant Lecturer |
Chemistry |
flaviana.ngabala@muce.ac.tz |
Saada Michael Mbepera |
Lecturer |
Biological Sciences |
saada.mbepera@muce.ac.tz |
Peter Castory Makuta |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
peter.makuta@muce.ac.tz |
Philbert Epafras Msaki |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
philbert.msaki@muce.ac.tz |
Christina Fabian Pius |
Assistant Lecturer |
Biological Sciences |
joyce.mwijarubi@muce.ac.tz |
Lecturer |
Biological Sciences |
okinyi.alila@muce.ac.tz |
Abdalah Amasi Ahmada |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
abdalah.ahmada@muce.ac.tz |
Devotha Yahaya Wanna |
Biological Sciences |
devotha.wanna@muce.ac.tz |
Imani Thomas Macha |
Tutorial Assitant |
Biological Sciences |
imani.macha@muce.ac.tz |
Julius Kumari Thomas |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
julius.thomas@muce.ac.tz |
Asha Saidi Kalula |
Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
asha.kalula@muce.ac.tz |
Joshua Angolwisye Mwasunda |
Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
joshuamwasunda@gmail.com |
Dr. Nzaganya Edson Nzaganya |
Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
nzaganya.nzaganya@muce.ac.tz |
Christina Fabian Pius |
Halui Mabula Edson |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
halui.edson@muce.ac.tz |
Said Said Kayege |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Foundations and Management |
said.kayege@muce.ac.tz |
Sarah Michael Ngowi |
Thadeo Wampembe |
Chemistry |
thadeo.wampembe@muce.ac.tz |
Peter Charles Masanja |
Biological Sciences |
peter.masanja@muce.ac.tz |
Beni Twiseghe Mbwile |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
beni.mbwile@muce.ac.tz |
Elizabeth Peter Mukama |
Biological Sciences |
elizamkama7@gmail.com |
Hawa Mohamed Mpate |
Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
hawa.mpate@muce.ac.tz |
Gilbert Frank Mpuga |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
gilbert.mpuga@muce.ac.tz |
Musa Ngomba Msafiri |
Biological Sciences |
musa.msafiri@muce.ac.tz |
Kelvin Atilio Haule |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Foundations and Management |
kelvin.haule@muce.ac.tz |
Fedy Speditho Magidanga |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
fedy.magidanga@muce.ac.tz |
Jackson Leonard Ihoyelo |
Chemistry |
jackson.ihoyelo@muce.ac.tz |
Geofrey Wingi Sikazwe |
Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
geofrey.sikazwe@muce.ac.tz |
Shukuru Jackson Mwahalende |
Biological Sciences |
shukuru.mwahalende@muce.ac.tz |
Mariana Julius Shirima |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
marianashirima4@gmail.com |
Japhet Nyanda Shelembi |
Assistant Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
japhet.shelembi@muce.ac.tz |
Emmanuel Benito Mng'ong'o |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
emmanuel.mngongo@muce.ac.tz |
Elianaso Elimbinzi Kimambo |
Jubilate Rogathe Shuma |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Foundations and Management |
jubilate.shuma@muce.ac.tz |
Vendeline Emmanuel Tairo |
Lecturer |
Biological Sciences |
vendeline.tairo@muce.ac.tz |
Abdueli Paulo Mdee |
Assistant Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
abdueli.mdee@muce.ac.tz |
Doris Largus Mosha |
Assistant Lecturer |
Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies |
doris.mosha@muce.ac.tz |
Jesca Meliaki Kaaya |
Administration |
jesca.kaaya@muce.ac.tz |
Biseko Juma Mafwele |
Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
biseko.mafwele@muce.ac.tz |
Emmanuel Ollotu |
Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
emmanuel.ollotu@muce.ac.tz |
Vicent Jalang'o Cosmas |
Pauline Gervas Mhango |
Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
mhangopauline88@gmail.com |
Herieth Rhodes Mero |
Lecturer |
Biological Sciences |
herieth.mero@muce.ac.tz |
Salehe Salehe Kaoneka |
Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
salehe.salehe@muce.ac.tz |
Bungaya Dughangw Mayo |
Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
bungaya.mayo@muce.ac.tz |
Japhace Balwegilila Poncian |
Senior Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
japhace.poncian@muce.ac.tz |
David James Manyerere |
Senior Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
david.manyerere@muce.ac.tz |
Deograsia Ramadhan Mtego |
Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
deograsia.mtego@muce.ac.tz |
Philpo John Gwevu |
Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
philpo.gwevu@muce.ac.tz |
Jeno Francis Kidasi |
Assistant Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
jeno.kidasi@muce.ac.tz |
Fokas Alois Nchimbi |
Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
fokas.nchimbi@muce.ac.tz |
Lucy Kassian Msigwa |
Lecturer |
Geography and Economics |
lucy.kassian@muce.ac.tz |
Samwel Mashinya Nkwabi |
Aneth William Kasebele |
Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
aneth.kasebele@muce.ac.tz |
Jonas Leonard Shashen |
Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
shashenj75@gmail.com |
Charles Nyanduru Maggati |
Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
charles.maggati@muce.ac.tz |
Claudio George Kisake |
Assistant Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
claudio.kisake@muce.ac.tz |
Pendo Alfred Mwashota |
Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
pendo.mwashota@muce.ac.tz |
Herman Stephan Luoga |
Assistant Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
herman.luoga@muce.ac.tz |
Samwel Mashinya Nkwabi |
Mustapha Muhidini Juma |
Tutorial Assitant |
Languages and Literature |
mustapha.juma@muce.ac.tz |
Fatael Mahoo |
Assistant Lecturer |
Geography and Economics |
fatael.mahoo@muce.ac.tz |
Piyazis Togolai Tindikali |
Assistant Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
piyazis.tindikali@muce.ac.tz |
Tiemo Romward Haule |
Senior Lecturer |
Geography and Economics |
tiemo.haule@muce.ac.tz |
Anselmina Albin Shinyaka |
Assistant Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
anselmina.shinyaka@muce.ac.tz |
Auson Njunwensi Wincheslaus |
Assistant Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
auson.wincheslaus@muce.ac.tz |
Johari Juma Ikombola |
Tutorial Assitant |
Languages and Literature |
johari.ikombola@muce.ac.tz |
Anatoria Joel Kyando |
Joseph Deogratius Mugyabuso |
Assistant Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
joseph.mugyabuso@muce.ac.tz |
Yusuph Rajabu Daudi |
Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
yusuph.daudi@muce.ac.tz |
Ruwaichi Lamphord Makyao |
Amina Issa Msonga |
Lecturer |
Biological Sciences |
amina.msonga@muce.ac.tz |
Livini Tesha Donath |
Lecturer |
Geography and Economics |
livini.donath@muce.ac.tz |
Claudis John Sabuni |
Assistant Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
claudis.sabuni@muce.ac.tz |
Michael Elias Mgalula |
Lecturer |
Geography and Economics |
michael.mgalula@muce.ac.tz |
Mahenda Kulwa Jagadi |
Assistant Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
mahenda.jagadi@muce.ac.tz |
Anna Ndele Mwambala |
Ashura Jackson Ngoya |
Senior Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
ashura.ngoya@muce.ac.tz |
Ahmed Adam Ahmed |
Administration |
ahmed.ahmed@muce.ac.tz |
Patrick Jerome Mizimu |
Administration |
patrick.mizimu@muce.ac.tz |
Mohamed Bakari Mwaimu |
Administration |
mohamed.mwaimu@muce.ac.tz |
Frank Fateline Lyamuya |
Mercy Willy Machange |
Administration |
mercymachange@gmail.com |
Said Majid Ndimbo |
Administration |
said.ndimbo@muce.ac.tz |
Frank Dickson Mbanila |
Nicholaus Richard Mkanimkole |
Administration |
nicholaus.mkanimkole@muce.ac.tz |
Yusuph Baton Lulimo |
Administration |
yusuph.lulimo@muce.ac.tz |
Jackson Joseph Malibiche |
Administration |
jackson.malibiche@muce.ac.tz |
Amos Vincent Ntarisa |
Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
amos.ntarisa@muce.ac.tz |
Dr. Lewis Mtashobya |
Senior Lecturer |
Chemistry |
lewis.mtashobya@muce.ac.tz |
Jovin Yerald Tweve |
Administration |
jovin.tweve@muce.ac.tz |
Keneth Mathias Kafu |
Administration |
keneth.kafu@muce.ac.tz |
Tom Pascal Mhongole |
Administration |
tom.mhongole@muce.ac.tz |
Beatus Maslani Chaffu |
Yohana Ndaki Masambo |
Kenedy Metsalah Mhema |
Administration |
kenedy.mhema@muce.ac.tz |
Geofrey William Ngelime |
Hamidu Ami Seki |
Moses Titus Mashala |
Administration |
moses.mashala@muce.ac.tz |
Gloria Manyus Spotwa |
Sifael John Samson |
Administration |
sifael.samson@muce.ac.tz |
Thobias Thobias Nyoni |
Ezekia Ernest Wikedzi |
Leonardina Ladislaus Balenzi |
Raheli Msafiri Mwingo |
Administration |
raheli.mwingo@muce.ac.tz |
Shadrack Solomon Melau |
Ibrahimu Madaraka Ngaila |
Beno Richard Samwel |
Administration |
benorichard534@gmail.com |
Angelina pambe Inyasi |
Administration |
inyasiangelina@gmail.com |
Verynice Augustino Luca |
Administration |
veryniceaugustino59@gmail.com |
Hadija Juma Abdala |
Administration |
hadijaabdalahp@gmail.com |
Glory Yawela Mgullah |
Abdul Rashid Kawambwa |
Administration |
abdul.kawambwa@muce.ac.tz |
Ester Elikana Shumba |
Upendo Mhoja Lucas |
Administration |
upendo.lucas@muce.ac.tz |
Monica Makaranga Ramadhani |
Administration |
monicamramadhani@gmail.com |
Nakija Mteti Mshana |
Administration |
nakija.mshana@muce.ac.tz |
Erick Aristid Mmassy |
Edith Michael Nkanda |
Administration |
edith.nkanda@muce.ac.tz |
Nasra Selemani Ramadhani |
Administration |
nasralibrarianh@gmail.com |
Theresia Juvenary Idaa |
Percia Jacob Mbunda |
Administration |
percia.mbunda@muce.ac.tz |
Mhoja Kilya Kagito |
Administration |
lazarokagito@gmail.com |
Ukasha Athumani Mombokaleo |
Administration |
ukasha.mombokaleo@muce.ac.tz |
Flora Aineah Josia |
Administration |
floraainea@gmail.com |
Upendo Mohamed Mshani |
Administration |
mshanimoupendo@gmail.com |
Ashura Ibrahim Mohamed |
Administration |
ibrahimashura131@gmail.com |
Happiness Beda Msofe |
Niduha Israel Bwambayeko |
Administration |
niduhaisrael@gmail.com |
Zakina Clarence Mgao |
Mariam Msafiri Nyiti |
Sakina sosteny Luvinga |
Sikitu Mussa Baliniga |
Administration |
sbaliniga@gmail.com |
Abu Spen Chando |
Administration |
abu.chando@muce.ac.tz |
Elizabeth Nihuvila Ngulo |
Shadrack Solomon Melau |
Adeline Peter Mtunya |
Fadhili Lufunyo Ngajilo |
Administration |
fadhili.ngajilo@muce.ac.tz |
Winne Stephen Mtega |
Lecturer |
Languages and Literature |
winne.mtega@muce.ac.tz |
Lola Yussuf Selle |
Sylivester Stanslaus Kullagwa |
Selemani Juma Selemani |
Casiana Blasius Lwiwa |
Lecturer |
Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics |
casiana.lwiwa@muce.ac.tz |
Titus Mwita Ombori |
Robert Christopher Mwita |
James Philbert Telekako |
Edward Simon Mgaya |
Senior Lecturer |
History, Political Science, and Development Studies |
edward.mgaya@muce.ac.tz |
Sebastian Majimoto |
Administration |
Stephano Hanolo Mlozi |
Lecturer |
Chemistry |
stephano.hanolo@muce.ac.tz |