Dr. Tiemo Romward Haule is a Senior Lecturer and researcher in Geography with a major focus on climatology. He has over 12 years’ experience of teaching Geography at Mkwawa University College of Education (MUCE). His doctorate degree (PhD) in Geography which was obtained from the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) in 2019 focused on local communities’ use of non-timber forest products to enhance their resilience to the effects of climate variability. Dr. Haule has published over seven (7) journal articles up to April, 2023. Besides, Dr. Haule has attended several academic conferences and short courses, all of which have substantially sharpened his academic expertise.
Currently, Dr. Tiemo Romward Haule is implementing the following research project: Climate Change and Food Security Nexus in Tanzania: Enhancing Smallholder Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies for Improving Household Crop Production in Dodoma Region (2023-2024), funded by UDSM.
Said, M.K., Haule, T.R., Lusiru, S.N. and Bagambilana, F. (2016). Role of climate change mitigation in Tanzania’s policy frameworks. Public Policy and Administration Research, Volume 6(7): 47-55.
Haule, T.R. and Mwamfupe, A. (2018). The implications of non-timber forest products’ access by-laws on household food security in semi-arid zones of Iringa district, Tanzania. Journal of the Geographical Association of Tanzania, Volume 39(1): 92-117.
Haule, T.R. (2021). Climate variability and feminization of poverty in Tanzania: The contribution of gendered ownership and access to household assets. Tanzania Journal of Population Studies and Development, Volume 28(1): 17-40.
Haule, T.R. (2022). Contextualising the pillars of household food security: Evidence from Iringa district, Tanzania. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 11(1): 81-102.
Haule, T.R. (2022). Determinants of the availability of non-timber forest products for households’ adaptation to the effects of climate variability in Iringa District, Tanzania. Journal of the Geographical Association of Tanzania, Volume 42(1): 145-166. https://doi.org/10.56279/jgat.v42i1.222.
Mtwanga, J., Haule, T.R. and Fundisha, E. (2022). Sustainability of adaptation strategies in rainfed agriculture to climate change and variability in Nyang’oro Ward in Iringa district, Tanzania. Journal of the Geographical Association of Tanzania, Volume 42(1): 129-144. https://doi.org/10.56279/jgat.v42i1.221.
Ghambi, M., Haule, T.R. and Haulle, E. (2023). Enhancing household food security through flood disaster risk reduction in little Ruaha River Basin, Iringa district, Tanzania. South African Geographical Journal. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736245.2023.2221211
Mkonda, M.Y., Minja, G.S., Ligate, E.J., Kaganga, L.S., Haule, T.R. and Msemwa, U.S. (2023). Accumulation of SOC in relatively undisturbed tropical mountain foothills under climate change scenarios: The case of Uluguru Mountain, Tanzania. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Volume 16:445. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-023-11574-z
Conferences Attended
The 4th International Scientific Conference for the Geographical Association of Tanzania held at Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy-Kivukoni Campus, Kigamboni, Dar es Salaam, from 26th to 28th September 2019. Title of the paper presented: Understanding determinants of availability of non-timber forest products for households’ adaptation to climate change impacts in dry lands: a survey of five villages in Iringa District, Tanzania.
The 1st International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development held at Mkwawa University College of Education, Iringa from 4th to 5th February 2021. Title of the paper presented: Contextualising the Pillars of Household Food Security: Evidence from Iringa District, Tanzania.
The 1st Kagera Annual Agricultural Conference and Exhibitions (KAACE) held in Bukoba, Kagera, from 3rd to 4th June 2022. Title of the paper presented: Enhancing Food Security through Flood Disaster Risk Reduction along the Little Ruaha River Basin, Iringa District, Tanzania.
The 3rd Mkwawa International Conference on Change and Adaptations towards Sustainable Development held at Mkwawa University College of Education, Iringa from 2nd to 3rd November 2022. Titles of the papers presented: Local Communities’ Participation in Flood Disaster Risk Reduction along the Little Ruaha River Basin, Tanzania: Opportunities and Challenges. Another paper is titled: Climate Variability, Rainfed Agriculture and Local Communities’ Wellbeing in Iringa District, Tanzania.