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General Information

The ICT Unit aims at providing services and support to staff and students on ICT related issues at the College and the public in general, so as to enable the College to effectively fulfill its core functions. The Unit activities include:

  1. Maintenance and repair of ICT facilities at the College;
  2. Manage various systems and software at the College i.e. systems
  3. software, application software, security systems, web applications,
  4. Databases, financial and academic systems;
  5. Maintain and extend the College network infrastructure;
  6. Create awareness to the College community on the use of ICT
  7. related systems and security applications;
  8. Oversees agreements including maintenance contracts and Service
  9. Level Agreements (SLA) from any service provider; and
  10. Advice the College management on ICT issues, procedures and plans.

Academic Clubs

Our academic clubs are designed to foster intellectual curiosity and provide a platform for students to explore their interests in specific subjects. Notable clubs include History Club and English Club. These clubs provide an excellent opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge, collaborate with like-minded peers, and engage in enriching academic activities.

Gender and Health Organizations

We believe in promoting inclusivity and well-being among our students. To support these values, we have established:

  • Gender Group: This organization focuses on promoting gender equality and addressing issues related to gender rights and empowerment. It hosts workshops, seminars, and discussions to create awareness and foster a supportive environment for all students.
  • Peer Club: Dedicated to health and wellness, the Peer Club organizes events and activities aimed at promoting physical and mental health. Through peer education and support, this club plays a crucial role in creating a healthy and supportive campus environment.
  • Art Group

    Our Art Group is a vibrant and creative collective for students passionate about various forms of visual and performing arts. The Art Group provides a nurturing environment for artistic expression and exploration, especially in theatre. Members collaborate on projects, participate in workshops, conferences, traing and other similar events to showcase their talents.

    Sports Teams

    For those passionate about sports and physical activity, our college boasts a variety of sports teams. Whether you're interested in soccer, basketball, volleyball, or athletics, there is a team for you. Participating in sports not only promotes physical fitness but also fosters teamwork, discipline, and school spirit. Our sports teams regularly compete in intercollegiate competitions, bringing pride and recognition to our College.

    Sports Teams

    Becoming a part of these organizations is a great way to enrich your college experience, make lasting friendships, and develop skills that will benefit you beyond your academic journey. We encourage all students to get involved and take advantage of the diverse opportunities available at MUCE. Together, we can create a vibrant, inclusive, and dynamic student community.

    For more information on how to join these organizations, please visit the DARUSO President at ‪+255 625 017 434‬.‬‬