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Practical tips for international students

For students coming to MUCE in Iringa Tanzania for studies, it's essential to understand the local economic dynamics. Iringa offers a unique and diverse experience, and while the region is known for its affordability in many aspects, it's crucial to plan your budget according to your individual lifestyle.

The cost of living in Iringa can vary depending on various factors. Certain commodities may be more affordable than what you're used to, while others might be slightly more expensive. It's advisable to create a monthly budget that suits your needs, taking into consideration accommodation, transportation, food, and other essential expenses. Many newcomers find it relatively easy to adjust to the cost of living in Iringa by planning ahead and making informed choices.

Iringa’s welcoming culture, rich heritage, and vibrant landscapes make it an exciting destination for students coming to study at MUCE. With careful financial planning, you can fully enjoy your academic journey in this beautiful country while managing your expenses effectively.

Your safety is our priority. Take immediate action and reach out for assistance if needed.

Mr. Godfrey Mkumbi
(Commandant Auxiliary Police)
+255 754 678 357

Dr. Shaban Likondangoma
(Medical Officer Incharge)
+255 652 462 122

Dr. Adella Mtey
(Students' Services)
+255 733 554 706

Dr. Christina Mbilinyi
(Counselling Unit)
+255 755 905 426

Dr. Pendo Mwashota
(Diversity Unit)
+255 762 873 114

Dr. Gervas Kawonga
(Internationalization Office)
+255 765 412 301