The Department offers a myriad of chemistry courses in areas of organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry for undergraduate and master students. Students receive state-of-the-art and rigorous chemistry training both in the lecture rooms and laboratories and they enjoy employability in schools, chemical industries, government authorities and the private sector. Chemistry competence of the students via hands-on experiences and problem-solving skills in the laboratories and outside is one of the top priorities of the Department.
Research and innovation activities available in the Department have so far focused on the following areas:
- Chemical ecology research for promoting agricultural productivity via developing chemoecological devices to manage pests affecting crops.
- Discovery of useful phytochemicals from medicinal plants-natural product chemistry.
- Fabrication of materials for environmental-clean up and energy generation.
- Sensor technology.
- Functional materials synthesis and characterization.
- Powder technology.
- Nano-filters for water purification.
- Adsorbents
- Exploitation of renewable cashew nut shell oils to synthesize useful chemicals such as detergents, kairomones, polymers etc.
- Environmental chemistry research aimed at analyzing, discovering and remediating potential pollutants.
Furthermore, the Department runs seminars by academic staff, guest speakers and postgraduate students to make sure that students are well trained.