Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Unit

Manager of ICT Unit

Mr. Sebastian T. Majimoto, Manager

Greetings to all our valued webpage visitors

As the Manager of the ICT Unit at MkWawa University College of Education, I extend a warm welcome to you in the digital realm of innovation and technology.

In today's fast-paced world, technology plays a pivotal role in transforming how we teach, learn, and collaborate. At our institution, we recognize the significance of staying at the forefront of technological advancements to enhance the educational experience.

Our dedicated ICT team works tirelessly to provide a seamless digital environment, ensuring that our students, faculty, and staff have access to cutting-edge tools and resources. Whether it's facilitating online learning, supporting research endeavors, or streamlining administrative processes, we are committed to harnessing the power of technology to empower our community.

As you navigate our website, I encourage you to explore the array of ICT services and solutions available. Whether you seek assistance with IT infrastructure, software applications, or digital resources, our team is here to support your needs.

Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to being your trusted partner on your digital journey. Together, we can embrace the boundless opportunities that technology offers and continue to shape the future of education.

General Information

The ICT Unit aims at providing services and support to staff and students on ICT related issues at the College and the public in general, so as to enable the College to effectively fulfill its core functions. The Unit activities include:

  1. Maintanance and repair of ICT facilities at the College;
  2. Manage various systems and software at the College i.e. systems software, application software, security systems, web applications, Databases, financial and academic systems;
  3. Maintain and extend the College network infrastructure;
  4. Create awareness to the College community on the use of ICT related systems and security applications;
  5. Oversees agreements including maintenance contracts and Service Level Agreements (SLA) from any service provider; and
  6. Advice the College management on ICT issues, procedures and plans.

For any inquiries contact ICT Unit via Email:ict@muce.ac.tz

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)

Click on the FAQ to display the answer

The university provides two distinct Wi-Fi networks for its users: one for students and one for staff. To access the Wi-Fi network as a student, please click on the following link: [Student Wi-Fi]. If you are a staff member looking to connect to the Wi-Fi network, kindly use this link: [Staff Wi-Fi].

Contact the ICT Helpdesk: The fastest way to report technical problems is by reaching out to the ICT Helpdesk. You can do this through various means, such as phone, email, or an online ticketing system. Contact details for the Helpdesk can be found on the university's ICT department webpage or in your student or staff handbook

At MUCE, our systems employ varying procedures for resetting forgotten passwords. Specifically:

  • For systems like e-office or GMS, password resets necessitate the intervention of a system administrator to perform on your behalf.
  • Conversely, systems like ARIS and TANEPS empower individual users to reset their own passwords.

The ICT Unit strongly encourages all staff and students to create passwords that strike a balance between security and ease of memorization.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Secure Your Accounts:

    • Use strong, unique passwords for each of your university accounts.
    • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible for added security.
  2. Regularly Back Up Your Data:

    • Back up important files and documents to avoid data loss in case of computer issues.
  3. Keep Software Updated:

    • Regularly update your operating system and software applications to ensure they are secure and functioning optimally.
  4. Explore Campus Wi-Fi and Printing:

    • Understand how to connect to the campus Wi-Fi network and make use of printing services available on campus.
  5. Protect Against Malware and Phishing:

    • Be cautious of suspicious emails and links. Avoid downloading attachments or clicking on links from unknown sources.
  6. Organize Your Digital Files:

    • Maintain a well-organized digital filing system to keep track of assignments, notes, and research materials.
  7. Practice Good Cybersecurity Habits:

    • Be mindful of online privacy and security. Avoid sharing sensitive information in public or on unsecured networks.
  8. Regularly Clear Cache and Cookies:

    • Clear your browser's cache and cookies to improve website performance and security.
  9. Optimize Your Computer:

    • Learn how to perform basic maintenance tasks like disk cleanup and defragmentation to keep your computer running smoothly.
  10. Explore Online Tutorials:

    • Take advantage of online tutorials and resources provided by the ICT department or university for improving your technology skills.

By following these tips and tricks, you can enhance your university experience by effectively using ICT resources while ensuring your digital safety and productivity.

ICT Help-desk

ICT Help-desk portal is under maintenance, for any ICT queries please send email to ictsupport@muce.ac.tz